About Me

- SReynolds
- I am a daughter, sister, wife, mom, friend... My goal is to life a life pleasing to Christ my Savior and raise my babies to love and admonish His name. I know a little about a lot and a lot about a little. My heart is to be kind and gracious, loving and generous. We're now on a journey of a lifetime with our little Lilli, who happens to have down syndrome, or T21....I blog about our life with her on Lilli's Butterflies and Friends.
Sep 12, 2006
I don't want to miss what He's saying...
Well, plans have changed, after all that, the hospital dropped my contract. Yeah, I know, crazy huh!?! Well, I'm not sure what all this means, but I do know that I am okay with it all. I was talking with my dear friend and she made me think about all this in a different light (which is one reason I love her so very much). She said Sarah look at it this way, maybe you did make the decision to travel as a way to escape, a way to get away, but now, seeing that you made the decision to lay in the bed you created so to say, you chose to go to hunstville, ready to work, the whole time keeping a good attitude and heart about the situation. You trusted God to make the best out of it, no matter whether you were there because He wanted you to be or because you made the decision on your own, you chose to learn from this experience, and move on. Now, after you have gone through all this to even get there, then to get there and to have the hospital drop the contract, maybe its grace that caused that to happen, maybe this has been a trial to test your character, and to me it seems you have passed the test, now I don't know what has been going on in your heart the past few days, but it seems to me that you have remained happy, and joyful during the entire adventure, it seems your heart has been in the right place, so as far as I can tell, you've passed. So, don't be so quick to say you missed God altogether, maybe you did, maybe you didn't, but look at it from this angle, maybe it was a trial, a test of your trust in God, a test of your ability to completely surrender your will, and desires, and to see your own decision through to the end no matter what. So, maybe you've done a wise thing, and good thing, don't be so quick to run out at try something else, take time to really pray, and seek out what you're supposed to do now, so next time you'll know, you'll know its God moving you and not yourself. Trust Him, you know how! So, with that all in mind, and my mind swirling with thoughts, possibilities, options, responsibilities, obligations, and countless other things, my life is once again where it was, at a cross roads, a fork in the road...more like an octopus... with decisions to be made and paths to be trod. I'm stunned at the mercy of God and am so glad it is Him in charge and not me for I would not be quite as patient as Him. So until the adventure begins again, or until some other revelation presents itself, I will say farewell. God bless and Love to you all.
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