I guess everyone always seems to come back and talk about such trips as life changing experiences, and although I'll never forget this trip, I can't really it was so "life changing". Than again, I have to take into account, I tend to not be very emotional when it comes to such things, whether right or wrong, it just is, and so perhaps I have been changed, in ways I am yet unsure of. I did have the divine opportunity to meet some really amazing people and experience things of another culture, so very different from my own.
I meet a young women whom I believe is a God-send to my life. She is simply wonderful, and although it is hard for me to let someone to discover the real me, she has the key. I believe it is because she was sent to me by God, an answer to tearful prayers for a like-minded girlfriend to share life and memories with. Marcela, I pray you know how much you mean to me. I pray our friendship continues to grow as it did those days in Ventanas, and that we end up having a lifetime of memories to share. I find it a little comical we had to go all the way to Ecuador to find each other, when we live in the same town! Thank you for your friendship!
Little Donahi....she was such a sweet girl. She became my resident photographer, and she did a great job too! I'd go back just to see her if nothing else. The language barrier bothered her none, she continued to chatter away as though I understood every word! She even gave me ecology lessons, which once I caught on to what she was doing, I thoroughly enjoyed! I think I may have to find a way to get her a camera for Christmas....and work harder on my Spanish so we can hold an actual conversation without an interpreter.
Valeria, all I can say is why did I wait to the last day to really talk to you. Your English is better than my Spanish by far, so we managed to talk easily about ourselves, finding out that we very similar ideas. It is so amazing to me that we can live so very far apart, in totally different countries, yet have some similar mindsets. The only explanation is God. He is simply amazing and obviously at work across the world.
Which I guess, would have to be something that really made me ponder. The significance of God and the fact that yes, there really is an entire world out there that the Almighty God, Himself is at work amidst. To find people in another country that have the same beliefs, values, and desires as you, is simply proof that God not only exists, but is alive and working amongst His people.
Mrs Nancy...I have not the words to accurately pay her honor. She is the sweetest women with a personality as big as her heart! She is vivacious and full of life and just someone who you get addicted to. The more I was with her the more I wanted to be around her. She is full of stories, the kind that make life worth living. She has lived a full live and now plans on beginning a new chapter and living her life to a new level of full. For a women in her 70's she's well on her way to living another 70!
Jay, what can I say, if not for meeting you I never would have had the opportunity to go and serve and meet these amazing people. You, yourself are pretty amazing too. It is rare these days to meet a man who is sold out for Jesus and loving live. My life has changed for the better since meeting you, and I am happy to say I am glad our lives crossed paths. I have enjoyed becoming your friend. Whether you know it or not, you have challenged me to be better, a better friend, a better christian, a better person. In many ways you have unknowingly (at least I think) corrected me, causing me to step back and evaluate where I stand! Thank you for your honesty, your humility, your humor, and your friendship. You mean the world to me, I hope you realise that!
Well, I did not start writing this with the intentions of mentioning something about the people in each picture, but I suppose it is what needed to be said, or at least it is what is in my heart currently. Looking back, I think this trip did change me, it gave me a greater appreciation for that which I have and so very often take for granted. I have been so blessed in so many ways. I realised something while talking late one night with Marcela...the greatest difference between our two cultures, that of America and most of Latin America is priorities. America has such self-serving priorities. Our goals are success in all realms of live, which in and of themselves is not bad nor evil, yet there comes a point to which one much evaluate their actual importance. Latin American priorities are relationships. Whether family or friends, that is their main goal. To make and maintain relationships. As I watched the people of Ecuador I witnessed many times over people stopping along their daily journey to talk to a friend, a relative, or even a stranger (whom didn't remain a stranger, but became a new friend). It seemed to not matter where or what they had been journeying to do, they would stop and catch up on life. The hospitality of the people was breath taking at times. They would invite us in, complete strangers from another country, to sit and talk in their living room. At times offering us food or drink. How many here in America, would be so open, so caring, so hospitable, that you would open your door for a complete stranger, one that doesn't even speak your language, and take time from your busy schedule to sit and talk. Let alone sit and talk about Jesus! Over and over again I was amazed at their generosity.
The other thing I am slightly embarrassed to admit I realised was how much in my daily life I had come to rely on myself instead of God. Here, in America, "I" can handle things, I can speak to whom ever I need to speak to, go where ever I need to go, and basically provided for myself whatever I may need. There, in Ecuador, I needed God. I needed Him to know where to go, and who to speak to, and what to say. I had to rely on Him completely, not just in word, but in actual action. I suppose I have thought I was relying on God, when in all actuality I have been relying on myself. It was frightening to realise that without relying on God alone I would be lost. It was also refreshing when I knew I could....I could forget myself and give it to Him. Relying on Him to keep me safe, and healthy, and able to share to a people I knew little about. In doing so I think I grew, at least I hope I did or the experience was a loss.
The two ladies I shared Jesus with, both excepted and said the salvation prayer....I believe there was a change of heart there, but it is just a little hard for me. I know we are to go and share the word, but are we not called to go and make disciples.....it is a new concept to me to just share the truth of the gospel with someone, have them believe, say the salvation prayer, and than walk away. I have been in church all of my life, and so anyone I have ever seen saved were in church, and either stayed or never came back.....I suppose that is an area where I need to grow. Learn to understand just what it means to go and share the gospel, harvesting the fields, than trusting that someone else will come tend to the crops. In all honesty, I do not believe I have ever shared the gospel, in that sense before. I have taught the children about Jesus and shared His story, but I have never witnessed to someone and then said the salvation prayer with them.... I have taught children for the past 10-12 years and have never once led someone through to salvation....I have always taught the saved I guess. Wow, I am not sure what to think about that. It is actually kind of sad, but at the same time, I think that is my calling. I think I have been called to teach the "churched" not the lost. Not that I would not do it, but my heart is in church ministry, not evangelism or missionary work. I enjoyed it, but I feel as though I am indifferent to it as well.
I am not sure I have really processed all that has transpired these past few days. I really tried to just take it all in and in some ways I think I am still a little overwhelmed. I am not sure exactly what I was to learn from this trip, I suppose I need to pray about that some more. I really want to take away from this experience all that I can, for who knows when I'll have another chance to change someone else's life by giving up a little bit of my own.
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